Thursday, May 17, 2012

Cow Tales

Here at Brickhouse all of our cows are individual, they each have their own history, personality, strengths and weaknesses - so we think it best they all have a name, not just a number.  Naming the cows has gone through many phases over the history of the dairy.  We have tried Bible names, naming through the alphabet and when the kids were studying Greek history we even had a few mythical names mixed in there!  These days we just look for names we haven't already used, and sometimes we have 'family theme' names (like the Starlit line you will soon here about, Starlit's descendants have names like Galaxy, Milkyway and Mars).

Oh, darling, let me fix that!
 Whenever you see pictures of our cows you will notice they have their names in their ear-tags along with their numbers, this way we can know them by name and also keep their records straight through their numbers.

We would like you to get to know these outstanding ladies since without them our quality cheese just wouldn't be possible.  So keep an eye out for the 'Cow Tales' label where you can learn about some of the individuals who make up our herd!

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