Monday, May 14, 2012

Mail Order Chicks

Roger is working ground, calves are being born, pastures are getting lush and chicks are arriving in the mail - Spring must be here!  Almost every spring we get a fresh batch of chicks to replace any lost the following year, or just to try a new breed.

We go to pick up the chicks at the post office so they don't have to ride the whole, bumpy route to our house.  Everyone is so excited to get the call that the chicks have arrived and are ready to be picked up!
Here is the peeping box!
And here are the peepers inside!  The hatchery has a minimum order limit of 25 chicks so they keep each other warm on the ride to their new home.  The brown chicks are Welsummers and the black and white chicks are Anconas.
The chicks are one day old when they are mailed and are two days old by the time they reach us.  They won't have their first meal until they get to our house where we 'dip' their beaks and show them their food and water.  They aren't as hungry as you might think because they are designed to absorb the remainder of the yolk in their eggs right before they hatch - this keeps them satisfied for several days giving the mother hen (and us) plenty of time to teach them where food and water is!
Here they are drinking from their chick sized waterer!
Until they are big enough to live with the other chickens they will stay in a big box with a heat lamp to keep them warm.  We use newspapers to cover their floor so it is easy for them to see their food!

Stay tuned for updates as these chicks grow!

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